Magne-Tech has determined that in order to compete against existing companies and to properly position Magne-Tech products in the market, it must exercise a degree of control over the resale of our products.

We recognize that our authorized resellers invest time and resources to deliver an extraordinary customer experience through their knowledgeable staff and compelling presentation. To support our reseller’s efforts, Magne-Tech wishes to establish policies that allow resellers to earn the profits necessary to maintain the high-quality customer service people have come to expect from Magne-Tech resellers.

To protect the investment of our reseller’s and Magne-Tech’s brand reputation, we have unilaterally adopted our Magne-Tech Reseller Program Policy. Our Magne-Tech Reseller Program Policy has several components, including: (1) our Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price Policy (“MSRP Policy”); (2) our Minimum Advertised Price Policy (“MAP Policy”); and (3) our Marketplace Restrictions Policy (“Marketplace Restrictions Policy”).


Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price Policy

Our MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) which establishes the cost of our products to our resellers may be modified at any time by Magne-Tech and may be affected by promotions announced by Magne-Tech or may change during promotional periods designed by Magne-Tech.

Magne-Tech will not discuss any conditions of acceptance related to this MSRP Policy, as it is non-negotiable and will not be altered for any reason. Additionally, Magne-Tech neither solicits nor will it accept any assurance of compliance with this MSRP Policy. Nothing in this MSRP Policy shall constitute an agreement between Mange-Tech and any reseller except that the reseller will comply with this MSRP Policy.

 Magne-Tech sales personnel lack the authority to modify or grant exceptions to this MSRP Policy.


Marketplace Restriction Policy

Magne-Tech will not sell to resellers who have the intention of selling Magne-Tech products through third-party URLs or marketplaces. Magne-Tech defines third-party URLs or marketplaces as any ecommerce website where consumer transactions are processed by the marketplace operator and the products are provided by third parties. Such URLs or marketplaces include,, Google Shopping, and any other site that facilitates third-party selling.

This Marketplace Restriction Policy ensures that Magne-Tech can properly support its brand image and encourage reseller investment in the advertisement and marketing of Mange-Tech products.

Magne-Tech will, without assuming any liability, refuse to accept orders from any reseller immediately following Magne-Tech’s verification to its satisfaction that the intention of selling Magne-Tech products through third-party URLs or marketplaces.


Minimum Advertised Price Policy

Magne-Tech established this MAP Policy because resellers advertising and sales practices that promote Magne-Tech’s products primarily on the basis of price could be detrimental to resellers’ customer service and support efforts and Magne-Tech’s competitive position. Such activities can be harmful to Magne-Tech’s brand, reputation and competitiveness, and allow some resellers to take advantage of, and freeride on the service and support efforts of others. Magne-Tech believes that these practices are unfair and thus discourages such efforts.

All Magen-Tech products will have a MAP Price. The MAP Price is currently 20% less than Magne-Tech’s MSRP. Listing a price other than the MAP Price next to the featured MAP Product in any advertising will be viewed as acting contrary to this MAP Policy. This MAP Policy applies to all advertisement of MAP Products in any and all media, including without limitation, flyers, posters, coupons, mailers, inserts, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, mail order catalogs, internet or similar electronic media including websites, forums, email newsletters, email solicitations, televisio, radio, and public signage. Such website features as “Click for price”, automated “bounce-back” pricing emails, pre-formatted email responses, forms, automatic price display for an items prior to being placed in a customer’s shopping cart, and other similar features are considered to be communications initiated by the reseller (rather than by the customer) and this constitutes “advertising” under this MAP Policy. This MAP Policy also applies to any activity to circumvent the intent of this MAP Policy, such as solicitations for “group purchases” and the like.


  1. A reseller does not act contrary to this MAP Policy if it advertises in general that the reseller has “the lowest prices” or will match or beat its competitors’ prices, or if a reseller uses similar phrases; so long as the reseller does not include any advertised price below the MAP Price for Magne-Tech products and otherwise follows this MAP Policy.


  1. From time to time, Magne-Tech may permit resellers to advertise MAP Products at prices lower than the MAP Price. In such events, Magne-Tech reserves the right to modify or suspend the MAP Price with respect to the affected MAP Products for a specified period of time by providing advance notice to all resellers of such changes. Any advance notice to resellers shall be provided through the online reseller portal or via email.


  1. From time to time, Magne-Tech may offer a direct manufacturer's rebate to customers. In such events, a reseller will not be acting contrary to this MAP Policy if it advertises the availability of the manufacturer’s rebate, provided that: (a) the advertisements include a price that follows this MAP Policy, the rebate amount, and the net price after manufacturer's rebate in the same type, size, and style; (b) and asterisk is placed next to the net price after the manufacturer’s rebate; and © the phrase “*After manufacturer’s rebate” appears in the same area of the advertisement as the advertised product.


  1. Where Magne-Tech products are bundled with or sold as part of the package that includes other products, a reseller shall be acting contrary to this MAP Policy if it sells or advertises the bundle (or package) at the price that: (a) has the effect of valuing a bundled (or packaged) MAP Product at less than our MAP; or (b) runs counter to the letter or spirit of the MAP Policy. A reseller shall be acting contrary to this MAP Policy if it bundles MAP Products with (or sells MAP Products as part of a package that includes) products that Magne-Tech has not pre-approved as acceptable products to include in a bundle (or package) containing a MAP Product.


  1. A reseller shall be acting contrary to this MAP Policy if it includes in any advertising for MAP Products any additional discount, coupon, gift car, or incentive (whether in the form of a special event, promotion, term of doing business, or otherwise) that translates into an immediate price reduce, where the cumulative effect would be to reduce the advertised price of any MAP Product below the MAP Price. Advertising that includes an additional discount, coupon, gift car, point, or any other incentive for future purchases (regardless of whether the future purchases is of a Magne-Tech product) shall be evaluated under the same guidelines as described above regarding product bundling. For example, a gift card redeemable for a future purchase would be considered an “other product”. This shall not apply to any manufacturer’s rebate from Magne-Tech on Magne-Tech Products.


  1. A reseller shall not be acting contrary to this MAP Policy if it advertises that a customer may “call for price” or “email for price”, or if it uses similar language, specifically with respect to the MAP Products, so long as no price is listed.


  1. If a reseller with multiple store locations acts contrary to this MAP Policy at any particular store location, then Magne-Tech will consider the reseller to be acting contrary to the MAP Policy at all the reseller’s locations.


  1. Magne-Tech, in its unilateral discretion, will not do business with any reseller, as to the products covered by this MAP Policy (the “MAP Products”), if that reseller intentionally advertises any product below the price suggested by Magne-Tech (the “MAP Price”). Magne-Tech is confident that this program will strengthen its competitiveness and benefit all of its resellers as well as its resellers’ customers.


  1. Although resellers remain free to establish their own resale prices, Magne-Tech will, without assuming any liability, refuse to accept any new orders from any reseller immediately following Magne-Tech’s verification to its satisfaction that such reseller has advertised any Magen-Tech products at a net retail sales price less than the MAP Price established by Magne-Tech.


  1. Our Minimum Advertised Price may be modified at any time by Magne-Tech and may be affected by promotions announced by Magne-Tech or may change during promotional periods designated by Magne-Tech.


  1. Magne-Tech will not discuss any conditions of acceptance related to this MAP Policy, as it is non-negotiable and will not be altered for any reseller. Additionally, Magne-Tech neither solicits nor will it accept any assurance of compliance with this MAP Policy. Nothing in this MAP Policy shall constitute an agreement between Magne-Tech and any reseller except that the reseller will comply with this MAP Policy.


  1. Magne-Tech sales personnel lack the authority to modify or grant exceptions to this MAP Policy.



Reseller Return Policy

 Return requests on orders must be filed with a Customer Service Associate within 3 days to the order arriving at your location.

 To request a return:


  1. Call our Customer Service line at : (385) 470-7425


  1. A Customer Service Associate will assist you in your return.


  1. A Return Authorization will be emailed to the contact listed if your return is accepted. If your return is invalid (past the 3 day return window) and is not accepted, you will also receive a response notifying you.


  1. Returns are valid for one week from the issue date and the return shipment date must reflect this timeframe.


  1. Products must be returned in new condition and in original packaging.


  1. Please address your package(s) to :



2637 N Washington Blvd. # 337

North Ogden, UT 84414



  • Resellers pay for shipping on order and returns
  • Returns must be in new condition and in the original packaging
  • Returns are subject to a 25% restocking fee


Additional Policies and Guidelines


Opening orders will require payment before shipment


Changes to, or removal of items from an order, will not be accepted after (24) hours of order submission. Additions to or combinations of orders can delay the shipment up to the current estimated lead time at the time of addition.



Magne-Tech reserves the right to charge back any bank fees incurred as the result of a refused check. Magne-Tech reserves the right to seek legal action for any returned check. Magne-Tech will forward all NSF checks to National Recovery Services. Checks received as NSF will be presented to your bank by EFT.

 In addition to the charges incurred by Magne-Tech, there will also be a 2% or $25.00 fee (whichever is greater) for each NSF check. Magne-Tech reserved the right to change the terms on any account to COD Money Order/Cashier Check for repeat occurrences.



Resellers who would like Magne-Tech to ship using their own UPS/FedEx/DHL account must supply their account number at the time of the order. These shipments may have an additional 24-48 hours delay to allow time to coordinate a pick-up from these carriers. Requests to ship through certain carriers may be denied at Magne-Tech’s discretion.


Claims for shortages, shipping errors, or damages must be reported to Magne-Tech within 3 working days of arrival of the shipment. Magne-Tech will require the reseller to present photos of products/shipments they are making claims on. We reserve the right to deny claims made after that time.


Mange-Tech makes its products available for sale exclusively through a network of selected resellers at locations specifically approved by the Magne-Tech Executive Team. Magne-Tech reserves, in its sole discretion, the right to limit the products made available to each reseller in various locations. Resellers are not authorized to offer merchandise for sale in any location not approved by Magne-Tech. Magne-Tech shall have sole discretion to approve or withdraw approval of a particular reseller and to establish, modify, or terminate a commercial relationship with any particular reseller.


During the term of this Agreement, Magne-Tech hereby grants to Authorized Resellers a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable license (without the right to grant sub-licenses) to use the trademarks, trade names, and other marketing names used by Magne-Tech for the products (the “Trademarks”), solely: (a) on or with the products, including the packaging, advertising, marketing and other materials associated therewith; (b) in connection with the development of their own Internet websites featuring Magne-Tech products (subject to the restrictions set forth in the Agreement), and (c) in full accordance with all guidelines and instructions as may be promulgated from time to time by Magne-Tech to maintain branding standards.


Magne-Tech reserves the right to terminate a reseller if the above Terms and Conditions are not met. Resellers who wish to terminate their authorized reseller status may do so anytime.


Magne-Tech’s Reseller Program Policy, including its MSRP Policy, MAP Policy, and Marketplace Restrictions Policy are subject to change at Magne-Tech’s sole discretion. A copy of Magne-Tech’s current Reseller Program Policy can be found on the Online Reseller Portal.


Magne-Tech reserves the right, in its unilateral discretion, to take other action with respect to any reseller that acts contrary to the Reseller Program Policy.


The Reseller Program Policy will be enforced by Magne-Tech in its sole discretion.

Magne-Tech recognizes that any authorized Magne-Tech reseller can make its own decisions to advertise and sell any Magne-Tech product at any price it chooses without consulting or advising Magne-Tech. Magne-Tech similarly has the right to make it’s own independent decision regarding product allocations at any time.


Magne-Tech Reseller Program Policy


The signature below represents and warrants that (a) the party signing below is an authorized representative of the company; and (b) that the information provided herein is a complete and accurate representation of the company’s status as of the date hereof. Any misrepresentation of fraudulent information provided will be the basis for default under this agreement.


By checking the box in our dealer application form and typing my name, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to the policies as defined on this form.

Click HERE to apply.